
How To Remove Dog Smell From Blankets

How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works!
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Aww. . .our furry family members. What would we do without these cuties? In render for their unconditional love we tend to their every need, nosotros baby them, we talk to them in loftier pitched voices (because nosotros call up they like it) and we let them get away with some things even our children aren't immune to do. Are you with me? I'm guilty as charged.

How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works!

Meet Belle. Belle came into our family this final February and she simply turned ix months sometime at the beginning of July. She's an English Cream Gilded Retriever. . . and a complete firecracker. We beloved her to pieces.

When we brought her home, information technology was important to ready some footing rules around the firm right abroad.

There were certain things I didn't desire her doing that our last aureate retriever was famous for. From the offset, we taught Belle that she was not immune to:

  • Jump upward on guests (or anyone for that matter)
  • Eat people nutrient
  • Jump, climb, lay or sleep on our furniture (including our beds)

Nosotros're also crate preparation her, so to brand her feel at home (since she's not allowed on our bed), nosotros have an oversize crate that she sleeps in at nighttime (we've upgraded since a few months ago) and bought Belle, her very ain monkey blanket. She likes monkeys? Well, we think and then. She likes the coating, and then that means she must like monkeys, too, right? Right.

So, she takes this blanket everywhere. She sleeps with it at night, she takes it on automobile rides, and one time and awhile, she likes to elevate information technology outside into the front yard with her, as well. For those of you who take a pup (or a kitty for that matter) that loves to cuddle up with blankets (even those that are not their own) you're going to start nodding your head after this side by side argument. . .later some time, the blankets tend to get. . .well, STINKY. Truth.

For those of you lot who may allow your pets up on your bed (we did for our last domestic dog), yous may have the same problem with your comforter or duvet. Because let's face it, when animals are laying on something soft similar a coating or a comforter, they're in their happy place.

How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works!

They're thinking, "Whew, it's been a day. Give thanks goodness for this nice, soft, comfy spot to relax. I think I'll lay right here and clean myself upward real good – lick all the dirt out of my fur and paws. This blanket doesn't gustatory modality half bad either, you know? I think I'll just chew on it awhile – hmmm. . . maybe just hold it hither in my oral cavity. Hey, in that location's a piece of 1 of my favorite treats stuck to the corner over here. Wow, what a adept day – WHAT a good day!"

You can only imagine what goes through their fuzzy little minds.

All I know is what goes through mine when I picked up the blanket and got a whiff of that wonderful doggy smell.

Permit'southward fix the story straight before nosotros get likewise far along. Belle is actually a very clean dog. Belle, herself, does not smell "doggy." The only time she really smells similar a canis familiaris is when she's wet. And all dogs smell like a canis familiaris when they're moisture, right? If I'grand wrong on this i, let me know, but from my experience, this is the gosh darn truth.

Why am I so caught upwardly almost cleanliness? She's a dog! Yes, she is, but one of my pet peeves ("pet" peeve, get information technology?) is petting (that may be the almost times I've said "pet" in a sentence ever) a canis familiaris and ending up with a smelly hand. Ick. It just turns me off and I purposely avoid the dog. Which is really sad, because I'm completely and utterly in love with pups.

I do what I tin can to make sure Belle never turns anyone's hand ripe. I utilise Dry out Dog Shampoo on her about once a week and give her a deeper cleaning if she always gets in a real dirty situation.

How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works!

Ummm. . .similar that i. Yep, that was a skilful mean solar day (for her). Boy did she have fun (this happens a lot).

Even though I'm pretty meticulous about keeping Belle make clean – over time, fifty-fifty the cleanest pets can muster up plenty stink to make you turn up your nose. That'south what happened with Belle's monkey blanket. I held information technology up to my nose one day and couldn't believe what I was smelling. I immediately took it to the laundry room and threw it in the washer – and so the dryer – with a couple extra dryer sheets.

When information technology was dry, I held it up to my nose again. I sniffed even harder and deeper this time. I was so excited to take in that freshly-washed blanket odour. . .just expect, hold on. Something was incorrect. I of a sudden became disgusted Over again. The smell was STILL there! WHAT?!!

Why does this happen? It doesn't happen with our clothes. What is it about pet smells that just seem to linger? I remember our adept friends leaving one of their dogs blankets up at our lake cabin after a nice long holiday weekend. Wow did it stink. Like, fill a room upward. . .stink. Nosotros put information technology in a garbage bag, tied it up tight and delivered it as before long as we were able. You know what they ended upwardly doing with it? They threw information technology out. It was that bad.

So, remembering that incident, and now finding myself in a like situation, I was on a mission to rid Belle's monkey blanket of that stubborn doggy smell. Normal laundry detergent and softener but wasn't cut it.

I experimented with a few dissimilar things before I establish the phenomenon combination – yes, I found it. I finally figured out how to remove pet smells from blankets!

If you lot're facing the same stinky dilemma that I was, you best stick around. . . considering if you try this, the results are going to accident your listen.

How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works!

 And then here's what you're going to need IN ADDITION to your normal laundry detergent:


  • i/two loving cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (not to exist dislocated with baking soda; WASHING soda)
  • 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide
  • ane/2 cup white or apple tree cider vinegar

How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works! Instructions

  1. Do a warm water wash and add together your detergent to the washer similar normal. Throw in the blanket or comforter.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of super washing soda.
  3. Add together ane/4 loving cup of hydrogen peroxide
  4. Fill the softener dispenser with 1/2 cup vinegar. If your washer doesn't have a dispenser add together the vinegar during the final rinse wheel.

That'southward it!

When the washer stopped, I went to smell my blanket again. This fourth dimension, at that place was no doggy smell! None. Zilch. Nada. I ran to tell Josh right abroad with the blanket in hand. I stuck it correct up to his nose yelling, "Smell this!" He initially resisted considering he knew what it smelled similar before, but when I explained to him I truly did get the smell out this time, he took a large whiff and was every bit amazed as I was.

You're running to gather the ingredients already, aren't you? Well, yous should be! I hope this method works as well for you equally information technology did for us. I am completely amazed, and tin can't end sharing my discovery with my friends!

They'll be talking to me nigh a movie they just saw and I'll just reply with, "Do you have any stinky blankets yous demand cleaned? Like existent stinky? Cause' I know how to become the smell out!" I've go a fleck "obsessed." LOL While I wouldn't recommend you ask crazy questions similar this of your friends, my friends have come to completely empathize (they've known me awhile) my madness.

And then, what are you waiting for? Start filling that washer, grab those smelly blankets and bedding and REMOVE THAT DOGGY STINK!!

Notes: I've used the hydrogen peroxide each time I've done this and I've never had a problem with it discoloring her blanket. The peroxide/washing soda combination basically acts like an oxygen bleach – similar to Oxy Clean that yous would buy from the store. I do desire to mention, however, that I DID apply Oxy Clean in one of my earlier attempts to remove the smells and it was unsuccessful.


Check out the Five MUST-HAVE CLEANING TOOLS FOR PET OWNERS from our partner


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How to Remove Pet Smells From Blankets - Got a stinky blanket that you just can't seem to get the smell out of? This cleaning solution really works!

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