/ Source : TODAY

When eyeliner is practical correctly, it can really show off your eyes. But if you driblet that eyeliner on your dress, carpet or sofa, you'll be evidence off something else — an ugly stain!

Here with tips on on removing any and all errant eyeliner stains is Meg Roberts, cleaning expert and president of Molly Maid services.

How to remove eyeliner from clothing

Notation: Roberts does not recommend to use this technique for silk or wool clothing.

  1. Dab the area with a stain remover.
  2. Allow it to soak into the stain for at least ane minute.
  3. Blot — don't rub! — the eyeliner stain with a small corporeality of liquid laundry detergent and a clean cloth.
  4. Machine wash as usual and then air-dry.
  5. Make sure the stain is gone before machine drying because the heat will set any remaining stain.
  6. If the centre liner is still visible, mix 1 tablespoon ammonia in ½ loving cup warm water. Dip a white cleaning towel into the mixture.
  7. Blot the eyeliner stain with the towel until the area is saturated.
  8. Continue to rinse the towel and blot the area until the stain disappears
  9. Motorcar wash as usual. Make sure stain is removed before placing in the dryer.

How to remove eyeliner from upholstery

There are two different methods for getting the stain out of article of furniture, but make sure to bank check the intendance label on the item showtime.

Roberts shares Molly Maid's method for removing this stain:

  1. Mix a solution of 2 cups h2o and one tablespoon dish-washing soap.
  2. Sponge the spot with the solution using a make clean white fabric.
  3. Absorb the excess liquid by blotting the area with a dry cloth.
  4. Repeat these steps until the stain is removed.
  5. To rinse the area, alternately sponge with water and blot with a clean towel until detergent is removed.
  6. Absorb dry.

Jack White, vice-president of Rainbow International cleaning services, offers this solution:

  1. Using a pencil eraser, try to lightly erase away the eyeliner. Do non be ambitious or you could damage the fabric.
  2. If eyeliner mark remains, use a dry out solvent by using a white cotton towel and blotting.
  3. Remove solvent balance by dabbing area with a dampened white cloth, and so blotting with a clean white towel to dry.

How to remove eyeliner from carpet

Roberts offers two ways to remove eyeliner from rug.

Method i:

  1. Mix i tablespoon of ammonia in ½ cup of warm water.
  2. Dip white cleaning towel into the mixture. The dye in colored towels could transfer to the carpet.
  3. Blot — don't rub! — the eyeliner stain with the towel until the area is saturated.
  4. Continue to rinse the towel and blot the expanse until the stain disappears

Annotation: Warm water and a drop of dish lather volition also work in place of ammonia.

Method 2:

  1. Apply a dollop of shaving foam to a make clean, white towel. The dye in colored towels could transfer to the carpet.
  2. Blot — don't rub! — shaving cream into the eyeliner stain.
  3. Rinse the towel with warm water and absorb the stained area.
  4. Repeat steps ane-three until the stain disappears.

Additional tips:

  1. If y'all have loop carpeting, use a Q-tip to get in-between the fibers.
  2. Never apply cleaning solution or mixtures directly to the rug.
  3. Always use warm-to-hot water when tackling oil-based eyeliner; common cold water could cause the stain to settle.